All people can support the world to deal with trafficking, you too!


As long as there is a demand for prostitution, there will be a supply of prostitutes and thereby included are the many female victims of trafficking and forced prostitution.


As long as there is a need for prostitution, there will be a political and public need for solving the (often tragic) issues connected to prostitution and the victims hereof.


As long as there are victims of forced prostitution, there will be a need of help and support to these victims, as well as the economic funding of supporting the victims, for them to seek a better option for themselves in their life.


Enlisted below are the three main types of help and support, which you can do:


Do not buy sex from a prostitute by encouraging yourself not to. And influence your friends and surroundings to avoid buying sex from another person.


Influence and direct your politicians to make it illegal in your country to buy sex from a prostitute. The demand for and the number of prostitutes in the market will decrease tremendously, if the customer is offending the law by buying sex from a prostitute.


Positive results and proofs on that are seen from Sweden and Norway, since these countries recently implemented new legislation regarding buying sex. And simultaneously, do ask the politicians to increase the economic funding of the police effort for them to deal with trafficking in your country.


Make a donation or other wise help your local or your national NGO, Non-Governmental organisation to help and support the female victims of sex trafficking and forced prostitution. The helping NGO located in your country needs your support - either by a economic or non-economic donation and / or by helping them voluntarily in different ways.


Please contact them and hear about, how you can support them.


See your helping organisation on our link listed left: GIRL IN TROUBLE, "- you are not alone."